
DVG - Valiant Defense: Guadalcanal

Created by Dan Verssen Games

The Battle For Henderson Field

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USMC Counter Phase
2 months ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 05:02:08 PM

This is a longer section of the rulebook, so I will split this up into a few separate Updates :) 

As a reminder, the Sequence of Play is as follows:

  • USMC Card Phase 
  • IJA Card and Counter Phase
  • USMC Counter Phase

In the USMC Counter Phase the player makes tactical decision for all USMC counters in all three Combat Sectors (Matanikau River Mouth, Matanikau River Log Bridge, and the Southern Lunga Perimeter). 

Difficulty Level

The USMC Counter Phase also has the option to select one of four Difficulty Levels (Boot, Regular, Veteran or Elite). 

The Difficulty Level determines the number of Moves and Actions available in this phase.


There are two Sub-Phases: Moves and Actions. The Move Sub-Phase must be completed before resolving the Action Sub-Phase.

Move Sub-Phase

In this Sub-Phase the player will move one or more USMC counters between Combat Positions, to and from the Reserves box, between Combat Sectors and to and from Colonel Oka's Attack box. The limit on the number of Moves is determined by the Difficulty Level selected, so from 3-6.

There are two ways to increase the number of available Moves (and Actions):


An officer may grant one extra Move OR one extra Action to a single counter that is in an adjacent Combat Position.


If a Comms Token is set at Henderson Field (Location #17) and one or more Combat Sectors then the player gains an additional one Move AND one Action for any counter or counters within that Combat Sector (only).

The majority of Moves will be from one Combat Position to another, linked, Combat Position. The defensive line is not static, and as casualties mount and gaps appear, decisions about which counters to move to where become ever more critical. The player will need to understand where to position Officers, NCOs and Medics to be most effective. 

From the rulebook: